Edward Kruk, PhD, MSW

Edward Kruk is Associate Professor of Social Work at the University of British Columbia (UBC), specializing in child and family policy.  As a child and family social worker in Canada and the United Kingdom, he has practiced as a welfare rights worker, child protection worker, school social worker, hospital social worker, and family services worker.  He is currently teaching and practicing in the areas of family mediation and addiction.
Edward’s first book, Divorce and Disengagement, was the first in-depth study of the experiences of divorced fathers and the phenomenon of father absence after divorce.  His second book, Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Social Work and the Human Services, explores the application of mediation in eighteen fields of practice, with a focus on theory and practice relevant to each field.  His third book, Divorced Fathers: Children’s Needs and Parental Responsibilities, outlines a ”best interests of the child from the perspective of the child” “responsibility to needs” approach to the best interests of the child in divorce. His fourth book, The Equal Parent Presumption: Social Justice in the Legal Determination of Parenting Arrangements After Separation, provides an overview of current research and a template for the establishment of shared parenting as the foundation of family law, and is informing the development of a new approach to child custody determination in Canada and abroad. His fifth and most recent book, The Routledge International Handbook on Shared Parenting and the Best Interests of the Child, provides an authoritative overview of the current state of knowledge on the topic. He has published in a range of social policy, social work, sociology, and other scholarly journals on a variety of topics such as child custody determination, children’s needs and parental responsibility, family mediation, fathers and divorce, and grandparents affected by divorce.  His book chapters and other papers span a similarly wide range.  He has appeared in several documentaries, and his work is regularly featured in print, and on radio and television, including CBC, the Globe and Mail, and the National Post, and he was recently cited as “Canada’s leading child custody expert” by two national newspapers.
Edward is a graduate of the University of Toronto and the University of Edinburgh, where he completed his doctorate as a National Welfare Fellow.  He has taught at both the University of Calgary and at UBC, and his work has taken him abroad, including Israel and Iran, where he has taught family mediation to social work students and practitioners. He is the recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, in recognition of his dedicated lifetime service to children and families. He is the inaugural President of the International Council on Shared Parenting.
Edward is the father of two boys, Stephan and Liam.  He is a Gulf island resident, and also spends time in Vancouver and Toronto.  Of Polish heritage, born in England, citizen of Canada, he is a member of the Raven clan.  In his spare time he reads, runs, hikes, plays soccer, and is a DJ with Tree Frog Radio, spinning an eclectic mix of rave/dance music – downtempo, hip hop, electronica, dub, drum n base – and extemporizing on child and family matters.

New Open Access Article

Dear Family Access members,
My colleague Jennifer Harman and I have just published a new article in
the American Journal of Family Therapy, which is the first systematic review and rebuttal of the major arguments made by opponents of PA theory who seek to discredit the concept of parental alienation. Drawing upon the rapidly-expanding research literature on parental alienation, we offer an empirically-based rejoinder to each of the fourteen arguments posed by critics and deniers of PA theory, and discuss implications for family law, policy and practice.

Countering Arguments Against Parental Alienation as a Form of Family Violence and Child Abuse



  • deTorres Perea, J.M., Kruk, E. & Ortiz-Tallo, M. (2021). The Routledge International Handbook of Shared Parenting and the Best Interest of the Child. London: Routledge.

  • Kruk, E. (2013). The Equal Parent Presumption: Social Justice in the Legal Determination of Parenting After Divorce. Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

  • Kruk, E. (2013). Skrbništvo nad djecom, pristup djetetu i roditeljska odgovornost (Child Custody, Access and Parental Responsibility). Zagreb: Udruga Dijete Razvod.

  • Kruk, E. (2011). Divorced Fathers: Children’s Needs and Parental Responsibilities, Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.

  • Kruk, E. (1997). Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Social Work and the Human Services. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.

  • Kruk, E. (1993). Divorce and Disengagement: Patterns of Fatherhood Within and Beyond Marriage, Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.

Book Chapters:

  • Harman, J.J. & Kruk, E. (In Press). Parental alienation: Causes, controversies and solutions. In B. Russell & J. Hamel (Eds), Beyond the Gender Paradigm. Oxford University Press.

  • Kruk, E. (2021). “Shared Parenting as Preventative of Parental Alienation,” In de Torres Perea, J.M., Kruk, E. & Ortiz-Tallo, M. (2021). The Routledge International Handbook of Shared Parenting and the Best Interest of the Child. London: Routledge.

  • Kruk, E. (2020). “Parental Alienation as a Form of Emotional Child Abuse: The Need for a Child Protection Response,” In Lorandos, D. & Bernet, W. (Eds.), Parental Alienation: Science and Law. Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas Publisher. Ltd.

  • Kruk, E. (2019). “The Rights and Needs of Children After Parental Separation: The Case for Shared Parental Responsibility.” In Simões, R. (Ed.), Shared Residence in Portuguese Society. Lisbon: Edições Sílabo.

  • Kruk, E. (2017). “Foreword.” In Kristjanson, K., Co-parenting from the Inside Out: Voices of Moms and Dads. Toronto: Dundurn Press.

  • Kruk, E. (2015). “Child and Family Social Work in Canada: Issues and Challenges Within a Neo-liberal Political Context.” In Palattiyil, G., Sidhva, D. & Chakrabarti, M. (Eds.) Social Work in a Global Context: Issues and Challenges, London: Routledge. Pp. 74-90.

  • Kruk, E. and Aghabakhshi, H. (2015). “A Social Work Charter for Unexpected Disasters: Lessons From the Bam, Iran Earthquake.” In Palattiyil, G., Sidhva, D. & Chakrabarti, M. (Eds.) Social Work in a Global Context: Issues and Challenges, London: Routledge. Pp. 238-252.

  • Kruk, E. (2011). “The Disappearance of Parents from Children's Lives: The Cumulative Effects of Child Care, Child Custody and Child Welfare Policies in Canada.” In Allen, G. & Lauster, N. (Eds.) The End of Children, Vancouver: UBC Press. Pp. 121-139.

  • Kruk, E. (2003). “Family Mediation in Canada: The State of the Art,” In McFarlane, J. (Ed.), Dispute Resolution: Readings and Case Studies (2nd edition), Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications. Pp. 404-407.

  • Kruk, E. (1997). “Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Social Work and the Human Services: Issues, Debates, and Trends,” In Kruk, E. (Ed.), Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Social Work and the Human Services, Chicago: Nelson-Hall. Pp. 1-17.

  • Kruk, E. (1997). “Parenting Disputes in Divorce: Facilitating the Development of Parenting Plans through Parent Education and Therapeutic Family Mediation,” In Kruk, E. (Ed.), Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Social Work and the Human Services, Chicago: Nelson-Hall. Pp. 55-79.

  • Umbreit, M. S. and Kruk, E. (1997). “Parent-Child Mediation,” In Kruk, E. (Ed.), Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Social Work and the Human Services, Chicago: Nelson-Hall. Pp. 97-115.

  • Kruk, E., Betz Martin, F. and O’Callaghan, J. (1997). “Caregiving Mediation in Health Care Settings,” In Kruk, E. (Ed.), Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Social Work and the Human Services, Chicago: Nelson-Hall. Pp. 179-193.

  • Kruk, E. (1991). "Discontinuity Between Pre- and Post-Divorce Father-Child Relationships," In Everett, C.A. (Ed.), The Consequences of Divorce: Economic and Custodial Impact on Children and Adults, Binghampton, NY: The Haworth Press. Pp. 195-227.


  • Kruk, E. (2017). Co-Parenting After Separation. West Bridgewater, MA: Western Schools. (

  • Kruk, E. (2016). Krivo tumačenje otuđenja od roditelja: Pogrešno shvaćanje otuđenja kao opravdanog udaljavanja djeteta od roditelja (Co-parenting After Divorce), Zagreb: Udruga Dijete Razvod.

  • Kruk, E. (2008). Child Custody, Access and Parental Responsibility: The Search for a Just and Equitable Standard. Guelph: Fatherhood Involvement Research Alliance, Social Science and Humanities Research Council (Refereed publication).

  • Kruk, E. (1984). Classroom Behaviour Management: A Resource Guide for Teachers, Toronto: Metro Separate School Board.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

  • Kruk, E. (2019). “Parental Alienation as a Form of Emotional Child Abuse: Current State of Knowledge and Future Directions for Research.” Family Science Review, 22 (4), 141-164.

  • Harman, J.J., Kruk, E., & Hines, D.A. (2018). “Parental Alienating Behaviors: An Unacknowledged Form of Family Violence.” Psychological Bulletin, 144 (12), 1275-1299.

  • Kruk, E. (2018). “Arguments Against a Presumption of Shared Physical Custody in Family Law: A Critical Review.” Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 59 (5), 388-400.

  • Kruk, E. (2016). “Divorced Fathers at Risk of Parental Alienation: Practice and Policy Guidelines for Enhancing Paternal Responsibility.” New Male Studies, 3 (4), 50-62.

  • Kruk, E. (2015). “The Lived Experiences of Non-custodial Parents in Canada: A Comparison of Mothers and Fathers,” International Journal for Family Research and Policy, 1 (1), 80-95.

  • Millar, P. & Kruk, E. (2014). “Maternal Attachment, Paternal Overnight Contact, and Very Young Children’s Adjustment,” Journal of Marriage and Family, 76, 256-260.

  • Kruk, E. & Sandberg, K. (2013). “A Home for Body and Soul: Substance Using Women in Recovery,” Harm Reduction Journal 10 (1), 39.

  • Kruk, E. (2013). “Social Justice, Spirituality and Responsibility to Needs: The ‘Best Interests of the Child’ in the Divorce Transition,” Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 15 (2), 94-106.

  • Kruk, E. (2012). “Arguments for an Equal Parental Responsibility Presumption in Contested Child Custody.” American Journal of Family Therapy, 40 (1), 33-55.

  • Kruk, E. (2011). “A Model Equal Parental Responsibility Presumption in Contested Child Custody.” American Journal of Family Therapy, 39 (5), 1-15.

  • Kruk, E. & Sihota, P. (2011). “Engagement of Substance Using Pregnant Women in Addiction Recovery.” Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 30 (1), 79-91.

  • Kruk, E. (2010). “Collateral Damage: The Lived Experiences of Divorced Mothers Without Custody.” Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 51 (8), 526-543.

  • Kruk, E. (2010). “Parental and Social Institutional Responsibilities to Children’s Needs in the Divorce Transition: Fathers’ Perspectives.” Journal of Men’s Studies, 18 (2), 159-178.

  • Kruk, E. (2006). “Spiritual Wounding and Affliction: Facilitating Spiritual Transformation in Social Justice Work.” Critical Social Work, 7 (1).

  • Kruk, E. (2005). “Shared Parental Responsibility: A Harm Reduction-Based Approach to Divorce Law Reform,” Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 43 (3/4), 119-140 (Haworth Press).

  • Jones, L. & Kruk, E. (2005). “Life in Government Care: The Connection of Youth to Family,” Child and Youth Care Forum, 34 (6), 405-421.

  • Kruk, E. (1998). “Deconstructing Family Mediation Practice via the ‘Simulated Client’ Technique: The Case of Unresolved Marital Attachment,” Conflict Resolution Quarterly (formerly Mediation Quarterly), 15 (4), 321-334.

  • Christie, A. & Kruk, E. (1998). Choosing to Become a Social Worker: Motives, Concerns, Incentives and Disincentives,” Social Work Education, 17 (1), 21-34.

  • Kruk, E. (1998). “Practice Issues, Strategies and Models: The Current ‘State of the Art’ of Family Mediation,” Family Court Review 36 (2), 195-215.

  • Kruk, E. (1998). “Power Imbalance and Spouse Abuse in Divorce Disputes: Deconstructing Mediation Practice via the ‘Simulated Client’ Technique,” International Journal of Law, Policy and The Family, 12 (1), 1-14.

  • Kruk, E. (1995). "Grandparent-Grandchild Contact Loss: Findings from a Study of 'Grandparent Rights' Members," Canadian Journal on Aging, 14 (4), 737-754.

  • Kruk, E. & Hall, B. (1995). "The Disengagement of Paternal Grandparents Subsequent to Divorce," Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 23 (1/2), 131-147.

  • Kruk, E. (1994). "The 'Disengaged' Noncustodial Father: Implications for Social Work Practice with the Divorced Family," Social Work 39 (1), 15-25.

  • Kruk, E. (1994). "Grandparent Visitation Disputes: Multigenerational Approaches to Family Mediation," Conflict Resolution Quarterly (formerly Mediation Quarterly), 12 (1), 37-53.

  • Kruk, E. & Vryheid, A. (1993). "Gaps in Service Provision for Native Disabled Adults on Reserves: A Case Description," The Social Worker / Le Travailleur social 61 (4), 181-184.

  • Kruk, E. (1993). "Promoting Cooperative Parenting After Separation: A Therapeutic / Interventionist Model of Family Mediation," Journal of Family Therapy 15 (3), 235-261.

  • Kruk, E. (1992). "Child Custody Determination: An Analysis of the Legal Model, Legal Practices, and Experiences of Male Participants in the Process," Journal of Men's Studies, 1 (2), 163-185.

  • Kruk, E. (1992). "Psychological and Structural Factors Contributing to the Disengagement of Noncustodial Fathers After Divorce," Family Court Review, 29 (2), 81-101.

  • Kruk, E. (1992). "Discontinuity Between Pre- and Post-divorce Father-child Relationships: New Evidence Regarding Paternal Disengagement," Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 16 (3-4), 195-228.

  • Kruk, E. (1991). "The Grief Reaction of Noncustodial Fathers Subsequent to Divorce," Journal of Men’s Studies (formerly Men's Studies Review), 8 (2), 17-21.

Articles in Professional Journals:

  • Monthly columnist for Psychology Today, on “Coparenting After Divorce,” since 2012. On March 31, 2021, I achieved a readership of 3,040,175.

  • Kruk, E. (2021). “Vancouver 2020: The Fifth International Conference on Shared Parenting.” Newsletter of the National Parents Organization (US).

  • Grangeat, M, Kruk, E, Bergstom, M. & Marinho, S. (2018). “Résidence alternée, un droit de l’ enfant ?, The Conversation, October, 2018.

  • Grangeat, M, Kruk, E, Bergstom, M. & Marinho, S. (2018). “Are joint custody and shared parenting a child’s right?, The Conversation, October, 2018.

  • Kruk, E. (2016). “Krivo tumačenje otuđenja od roditelja: Pogrešno shvaćanje otuđenja kao opravdanog udaljavanja djeteta od roditelja,” Zagreb: Udruga Dijete Razvod.

  • Kruk, E. (2009). “The Spiritual Transformation of Social (Justice) Work: A Charter of Social Responsibilities Corresponding to Vital Human Needs,” Clarion: Journal of Spirituality and Justice.

  • Kruk, E. (2007). “The Evolution of Harm Reduction: Advocating for Policy Reform in a Culture of Addiction,” Perspectives 29 (2), (British Columbia Association of Social Workers).

  • Finley, G.E. & Kruk, E. (2005). “Social Movements and Paradigm Shifts,” Children News (Children’s Rights Council).

  • Kruk, E. (2002). “Spirituality and Mediation: Harm Reduction as the Sacred Core of Conflict Resolution,” Interaction (The Network: Interaction for Conflict Resolution).

  • Kruk, E. (2002). “The Real Meaning of Harm Reduction,” Perspectives (British Columbia Association of Social Workers). (Reprinted in the Handbook for Working with Sexually Exploited Youth, Burnaby and New Westminster Task Force on the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth).

  • Kruk, E. (2002). “Daddy’s Home: Divorce From the Father’s Perspective," ACResolution (Association for Conflict Resolution).

  • Kruk, E. (2001). “Mediation as Harm Reduction,” Resolve (Family Mediation Canada).

  • Kruk, E. (2001). “Family Mediation and Conflict Resolution Training on the Internet,” The Mediator (Mediation Development Association).

  • Kruk, E. (1998). “Child Custody and the ‘Divorce Industry:’ Resolving or Exacerbating Conflict?,” Resolve (Family Mediation Canada).

  • Kruk, E. (1998). “Family Mediation in Canada: The State of the Art,” Interaction (The Network: Interaction for Conflict Resolution).

  • Kruk, E. (1998). “Access Denial, Parental Alienation, Parental Disengagement and the ‘Divorce Industry’,” The Mediator 55, (Mediation Development Association).

  • Kruk, E. (1997). Family Mediation in British Columbia: A Snapshot View,” The Mediator 51.

  • Kruk, E. (1994). "Divorce Mediation and Woman Abuse: Danger and Potential," B.C. Institute on Family Violence Newsletter 3 (2).

  • Kruk, E. (1994). "Family Systems: Helping Fathers Stay Involved with Children After Divorce," The Psychotherapy Newsletter 6 (8).


  • Kruk, E. (2008). “Roots of Empathy,” The Flagstone.

  • Kruk, E. (2005). “The Beauty That Saves,” The Flagstone.

  • Kruk, E. (2003). “What Is It To Be a Mature Father?” The Flagstone.

  • Kruk, E. (2001). “Soul Mates II,” The Flagstone.

Book Reviews:

  • Kruk, E. (2013). Book Review, "Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination Against Men," by Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006, 650 pps. New Male Studies 2 (1), 82-84.

  • Kruk, E. (1995). Book Review, "From Father's Property to Children's Rights: The History of Child Custody in the United States," by Mary Ann Mason, New York: Columbia University Press, 1993, 237 pps. Social Work 40 (4), 570-571.

  • Kruk, E. (1994). Book Review, "Step by Step: Focus on Stepfamilies," by Margaret Robinson and Donna Smith, London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993, 238 pps. Journal of Family Therapy 16 (3), 331-333.


  • Kruk, E. (2017). Professional Misunderstanding of Parental Alienation: The Urgent Need for Law Reform in the Best Interests of Children and Families. Report prepared for the French Ministry of Families.

  • Kruk, E. (2006). Report to the BC Children and Youth Review, Report submitted to the Hon. Ted Hughes, Chair, An Independent Review of BC’s Child Protection System, Government of British Columbia.

  • Kruk, E. (1998). Report to the Joint Senate-House of Commons Committee on Custody and Access, Report submitted to the Special Joint Senate-House of Commons Committee on Custody and Access, Government of Canada.

  • Kruk, E. (1993). Custody and Access: Response to the Public Discussion Paper, Report Submitted to the Custody and Access Project, Family and Youth Law Policy Section, Department of Justice.

  • Kruk, E. (1992). Gender Equality in the Justice System, Report Submitted to the Gender Bias Committee, The Law Society of British Columbia.

  • Kruk, E. et al (1990). School Social Work: A Feasibility Study, Report for the Calgary Board of Education and Alberta Family and Social Services Joint Planning Committee.

Conference Proceedings:

  • Kruk, E. "The lived experiences of non-custodial parents in Canada: A comparison of mothers and fathers.” Proceedings. Roundtable and Symposium on Family Dynamics. Senate of Canada. Ottawa, ON. June, 2014.

  • Kruk, E. "The spiritual transformation of social (justice) work: A charter of social responsibilities corresponding to vital human needs". Proceedings. The Transforming Power of Spirituality: Breaking Barriers and Creating Common Ground: The First North American Conference on Spirituality and Social Work. Waterloo, ON. May, 2006.

  • Kruk, E. "Discerning and transforming spiritual trauma: A harm reduction-based approach to social (justice) work". Proceedings. Discerning the Spirit: Re-Imagined Social Work: The Fourth Annual Canadian Conference on Spirituality and Social Work. London, ON. May, 2005.