Susan Heitler, PhD

Susan Heitler, PhD, a private practice clinical psychologist and author, first became interested in parental alienation from working with a client whose distress stemmed from an alienation situation. 
Since that time Dr. Heitler has been helping to combat alienation by writing blogposts to educate psychotherapists, legal professionals, and the general public about the syndrome.  By the end of 2024 these posts had garnered over a million views.
For a list of these posts, see the Parental Alienation section of Dr.Heitler’s website,

Note that in one of these posts Dr. Heitler extends the concept of alienation to what she refers to as Adult Sibling Alienation.  In these cases one adult sibling alienates an alienated elderly and often sickly parent from another sibling, generally in order to block that sibling’s access to an anticipated inheritance.
In other writings Dr. Heitler explains that alienation can occur on the macro level. For instance, Citizen Alienation occurs when leaders of one group or country turns their followers against a targeted other group or country via the spreading of false narratives.

Currently Dr. Heitler is aiming to extend the defining factors for parental alienation to include the spreading of false narratives about the targeted parent to others, e.g., to family members, friends and relevant professionals. 

Selected Publications

From Conflict to Resolution introduced understandings of the art of win-win conflict resolution into the general psychotherapy literature.

The Power of Two book and workbook combo teaches the collaborative communication, anger management, and conflict resolution skills that sustain personal well-being and positive family relationships.

Prescriptions Without Pills offers innovative self-help ways to overcome depression, anger, anxiety, and more.

Most recently Dr. Heitler has published an online videos-based training course for therapists, Effective Couples Therapy .  Check it out!

Formerly of Denver, Dr. Heitler currently lives in Raanana Israel.

To contact Dr Heitler: write to or go to

Blog Posts in Psychology Today


 Websites (for videos and handouts for overcoming depression, anxiety, anger, and relationship challenges) (lists resources about alienation) blog